Community Sculpture Project
The Tjaltjraak community is working with local artist Naomi Stanitzki to create a sculptural installationfor the 2024 Esperance Wildflower Festival featuring some significant cultural and botanical features of granite environments within in Wudjari Cultural corridors.
This year’s sculpture features granite species Hakea clavata, Anthrocercis viscosa, Borya nitida plus moss and lichen, showcased alongside a replica gnamma (water hole) and lizard trap - with a skink – and the magnificent backdrop of Mandaboornap.
Thanks to contributing artists Candy, Maddy, Zoe, Hayleigh, Tyrese, Colleen, Annie, Wanika, Julie, Jennell, Nakira - and Ken for botanical advice.
This project is supported by a Community Development Fund grant provided by the Shire of Esperance.