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Act-Belong-Commit Nyungar Kaddatji Boodja Plants and Culture

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

The Act-Belong-Commit Nyungar Boodja Plants and Culture Community Presentation was a very special opportunity to learn more about plants and their uses at Dempster Head. It was held with Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation rangers and members of the Esperance Wildflower Society on Wednesday 18th September 2019.

The Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation rangers also held school sessions during the Festival. 

Following on from these sessions at the Esperance Wildlflower Festival, Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Rangers and Esperance Wildflower Society botanist Ken Mills have been delivering a fantastic series of education sessions to schools over the last two months.

They have visited Nulsen Primary School, Esperance Senior High School, Castletown Primary School and at Esperance Anglican Community School, as well as Nulsen in November.

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